How can artificial intelligence be used to help with recruitment and talent selection?
How can artificial intelligence be used to help with recruitment and talent selection?
Artificial intelligence is an integrative discipline that simulates human aptitudes and cognitive behavior. In other words, intelligent systems imitate human aptitudes in order to execute complicated tasks that are outside the limits of human cognitive competence while removing errors and reducing risks of bias that are commonly linked to human beings. There are several established AI applications available nowadays, such as expert systems, neural computing, genetic algorithms, artificial neural networks, etc.
Artificial Intelligence’s use in the HR context
Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used to enhance managerial decision-making and assist managers in speeding up their day-to-day tasks. Human Resource Management refers to a set of HR policies and related management practices in organizations. The application of AI technology to HRM can increase a company’s profits. The development and refinement of HRM efficiency through the use of AI tools has become an essential trend for the future development of HRM as a field.
Artificial Intelligence in recruitment and talent selection
AI is becoming more prominent in the HR field, particularly in recruitment and selection. It is crucial for companies to identify, attract, retain, and manage the right talents. Having a talented team and the appropriate tools within a company’s HR department will directly lead to increased profits, but making a rationally perfect decision when it comes to candidate selection is challenging.
Traditional recruitment strategies and techniques are built on psychometric doctrines. In addition to that, there are objectivity issues and human biases during the planning and execution of the recruitment process. To avoid this potential problem, organizations have considerably increased their use of screening programs in the past years—smart software programs that offer companies the chance to minimize human bias during the whole screening process of profiles. Below are some examples of AI techniques leveraged by the HR industry:
The “Knowledge-based search engine” is considered one of the most frequently adopted AI techniques when it comes to recruitment. The search engines identify the connotation of the search subject and search content on the web for suitable applicants´ profiles based on the keywords or grammatical tags of job advertisements and candidates’ profiles. This includes desired experience, credentials and qualifications, position title, etc. Another popular AI technique is Expert systems, which is considered relevant in Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) and corporate decision-making and helps propose actions instead of developing opinions.
An alternative technique that is widely employed in the recruitment field is “Data Mining” which is the process of searching and evaluating very large arrays of data and then pulling out the information from it. This specific technique is usually employed to identify keywords while screening a large volume of applicants´ resumes. A smart text-treating method employing text mining aimed at emotion analysis could be very useful when recruitment specialists are evaluating the applicants since it can give them a better idea of the candidates´ profiles by analyzing their emotions in a word-based context.
HR leaders are also increasingly considering and adopting “Chatbots”. Chatbots employ neural language to communicate with candidates via aural or textual approaches; they are intelligent solutions that systematize tasks that are time-consuming, such as sourcing, screening, and evaluating profiles. Chatbots will start an instantaneous interaction with the applicants as soon as they send their job applications. After evaluating the application, the software will conduct different evaluation tests and reply to questions raised by applicants. Studies have demonstrated that most job applicants would develop negative reactions if they did not obtain feedback from firms. Thus, chatbots can significantly enhance candidates´ experiences by eliminating the communication breach that commonly exists between recruitment specialists and candidates. Some of the contemporary chatbots employed in recruitment are Wendy, Mya, and HireVue.
The use of AI technologies and machine learning in the recruitment and selection process is becoming more popular. In fact, recruitment specialists have started to use AI techniques and technologies while interviewing face-to-face potential candidates. Specific AI solutions that are accessible in the market target evaluating the performance of candidates through analyzing their video interviews. Some examples of such AI solutions are Hire Vue, Affectiva, or HireIQ. These smart technologies are used to study the facial expressions of candidates, the specific words they choose to use, the voice tone employed when answering specific questions, and even the communication style. They help recruitment professionals assess candidates´ emotional intelligence, trustworthiness, and reliability, as well as get a better interpretation of their personalities.
With such AI solutions, recruiters can make more accurate decisions and rank candidates based on their suitability for the job proposed as well as their fit with regard to the company´s culture, thus avoiding the risk of a costly recruitment error for the organization.
Recruitment function in danger?
With so many promising benefits, there is no doubt that the use of artificial intelligence in recruitment and selection will grow significantly over time. However, substituting a large group of analytical managerial positions is quite a challenge.
The use of artificial intelligence technologies and tools in the recruitment and selection process is likely to increase at both the intuitive and empathetic levels/stages. Intuitive intelligence tools such as chatbots are currently used to conduct first interviews and evaluate candidates´ potential. In the near future, organizations are very likely to start using expressive, sensitive, talkative, and extremely interactive machines with face and sound identification technology to perform face-to-face interviews. However, it is unlikely that artificial intelligence will be able to entirely substitute the recruiter´s occupation since the human touch will continue to be indispensable. That being said, regular dependence on artificial intelligence tools will considerably impact recruitment-related occupations within the HR fields, lowering the costs of employing several people to take care of different functions within the recruitment and selection process.
Author: Kenza Abadi