Cultural assets in three major cities
Working alongside the strategy team of the Department of Entertainment & Culture Industries within a Mega-Project based in a Middle Eastern country, we actively pursued an expansion of their comprehensive data collection regarding cultural spaces across three distinct countries.
To tackle this challenge, our approach was multifaceted. We employed specialized databases to access pertinent information and meticulously scrutinized the websites of specific cultural spaces for additional insights. Utilizing Advanced Web Search techniques, we identified key elements relevant to our research objectives. Moreover, we utilized various tools to retrieve Gross Floor Area (GFA) data.
The outcome of our collaborative endeavors was significant. Working cohesively as a team, we promptly delivered the required information to the client for their analysis. In response to their need for diverse information on cultural spaces, we devised a time-efficient approach. Recognizing the limited availability of GFA data for cultural spaces in different countries, we acted as strategic partners, leveraging alternative indicators such as structural plans and Google Maps. Additionally, we explored alternative sources, including government agencies and cultural organizations, to gather relevant data.
Our efforts provided the client with a comprehensive perspective on cultural assets. We presented the consolidated information in an Excel file containing a total of 394 entries across the three cities. This presentation was clear, concise, and easily comprehensible, thereby facilitating the client’s analysis and decision-making process.
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